Keyword Rank Tracking Tools

Powered by Google Search Console, track your rank for any keyword, as well as groups of keywords for advanced SEO analysis.
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Centori integrates with Google Search Console to track your rank for all pages and keywords on your website. More accurate than an estimate, our integration with Google Search Console backs up your data giving you historical rank tracking over time.

Track your rank for your target keywords and pages

Centori integrates with Google Search console to provide stunning dashboards and tables to help you

  • Track your rank and performance over time
  • See how you rank for individual keywords in your lists
  • See which pages rank for your keyword lists

And more!

Weekly rank updates for unlimited keywords

Most SEO tools impose limits on how many keywords you can track your rank for. We're not fans of limits, so we did away with them.

Centori provides an accurate rank for any keyword in your lists and updates them monthly so you can stay on top of your strategy.

Spot ranking winners and losers

Spot the biggest ranking winners and losers with ease to see which keywords and pages are performing the best in search results, and which need to be optimized further.

Spot the biggest ranking winners and losers with ease to see which keywords and pages are performing the best in search results, and which need to be optimized further.

Centori is more than an SEO rank tracking tool...

You're not just getting an SEO tool with Centori, you're going to be empowered to build and manage a winning SEO strategy that gets you in front of your customers and ahead of your competitors.

When you are onboarded you'll be trained on our proven framework to build an SEO strategy and be set up for success on our software. Then, whether you are getting help from our private SEO community or one:one with our SEO coaches, you will not be doing SEO alone.

So say goodbye to the days of trying to figure it out on your own. We're here to offer a helping hand to reach your goals.

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