Analytics with Insights

Accurately track your rank for any of your keywords with our Google Search Console integration. Centori backs up your data from Search Console indefinitely.
MacBook mockup

Centori integrates with Google Analytics (GA4) and Google Search Console to bring you easy-to-use (yet powerful) analytics reports and dashboards. Browse pre-built dashboard reports, or create your own for your SEO strategy.

Organic traffic

Easily report on your organic traffic and top-performing organic pages.

Organic conversions

Report on the ROI of your SEO strategy with event and conversion reporting. Easily see which pages drive the most conversions on your website.

Winners and Losers

Spot your SEO winners and losers to see what is driving the most growth on your website.

Search opporunities

Spot your best opportunities with our pre-build search opportunities report.

Keyword and page reports

Report on your search performance by page, keyword, groups of pages, and groups of keywords to zero in on your SEO strategy.

GPT-powered insights

Our Google Search Console reports come with GPT-powered analysis to provide you with key insights and action items for your strategy.

Monitor traffic to your website

Centori integrates with Google Analytics and Google Search console to provide a stunning report library that will make you an SEO reporting pro

  • Track top ranking pages
  • Track top converting pages
  • Spot your best opportunities

And more!

Attribute conversions and events to SEO

Any good SEO strategy starts with a good goal. Centori goal tracking allows you to create goals for:

  • Traffic from Google
  • Performance for target pages
  • Conversions

And more!

View traffic and search performance for any page

Centori integrates with Google Analytics and Google Search console to provide a stunning report library that will make you an SEO reporting pro

  • Track top ranking pages
  • Track top converting pages
  • Spot your best opportunities

And more!

Centori is more than an SEO analytics tool...

You're not just getting an SEO tool with Centori, you're going to be empowered to build and manage a winning SEO strategy that gets you in front of your customers and ahead of your competitors.

When you are onboarded you'll be trained on our proven framework to build an SEO strategy and be set up for success on our software. Then, whether you are getting help from our private SEO community or one:one with our SEO coaches, you will not be doing SEO alone.

So say goodbye to the days of trying to figure it out on your own. We're here to offer a helping hand to reach your goals.

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