Learn the secret to ridiculously effective keyword research

Stop sifting through thousands of keywords.

We've distilled 12+ years of SEO experience into this free guide. Learn how to:

  • Find your best keyword ranking opportunities
  • The best tools for keyword research
  • How to prioritize your keywords
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The old way of doing keyword research does not work

Google is getting crowded, and to stand out you need to level up your keyword research.

Keyword research is so much more than loading up thousands of keywords in a keyword research tool. Good keyword research requires a bit of psychology, a rock-solid understanding of your customer, and a bit of creativity.

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Why download the Beginner's Guide to Keyword Research?

With over a decade of SEO experience, there is one thing we can say for sure: the web is getting more crowded and more competitive every day.

Google is getting crowded, and to stand out you need to level up your keyword research.

Keyword research is so much more than loading up thousands of keywords in a keyword research tool. Good keyword research requires a bit of psychology, a rock-solid understanding of your customer, and a bit of creativity.

What's included in the Beginner's Guide to Keyword Research?

Our free keyword research guide distills the same process we developed and use for our clients. You'll get:

  • A 15+ page eBook
  • A walkthrough of the best free and paid keyword research tools
  • Examples to guide you
  • Questions to help further your keyword research

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is this really free?


Just sharing some free knowledge that we hope you’ll find useful. Keep us in mind next time you have SEO questions!

But how do I do keyword research?

Read the eBook! We break down 10+ years of experience with clients in this free guide.

What keyword research tool should I use?

Whichever one you prefer! This guide won't require you to use on particular tool - though we'd recommend you check out the keyword research tool we built for our clients. Not only can you track your rank for unlimited keywords, but we also provide a Slack community for extra support and monthly live coaching calls.

Download The Beginner's Guide to Keyword Research